  1. !/usr/bin/perl
  2. Basically derived from PortaOne's RADIUS Accounting
  3. by Oleksandr Kapitanenko
  4. (http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=PortaOne+Radius+auth)

  1. RADIUS accounting daemon text
  2. (c) LANBilling (www.lanbilling.ru)
  3. by Murashkin Artem
  4. UTM Edition by ice-croftthe_dogyandex.ru

use strict;
use Asterisk::Manager;
use Sys::Syslog;
use POSIX;
use Authen::Radius;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

my $debug = 0;


  1. Lock file
my $lock_file = '/var/run/asterisk/ast-rad-acc.pid';

  1. Config vars
my $runas_user = 'nobody';

my $ast_hostname = 'localhost';
my $ast_username = 'test';
my $ast_password = 'test';

my $monitor_dir = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor';

  1. Read global RADIUS configuratuin from extensions.conf
  2. I havte doing that but Asterisk manager interface can not read global variables
my $config_dir = '/usr/local/etc/asterisk';

  1. Globals
my %channels;
my ($rad_serv, $rad_sec, $rad_port, $nas_ip, $update_timeout);

  1. Check if already running
if( -e $lock_file ) {
my $pid=;
close PID;
chomp $pid;
if( !-e "/proc/$pid" ) {
print STDERR "Lock file present, but no process with pid=$pid.\n";
die "Can't delete lock file $lock_file\n" if !unlink $lock_file;
print STDERR "Lock file has been removed.\n";
} else {
die "Lockfile present, another copy is punning pid=$pid\n";

my ($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid) = getpwnam($runas_user) or die "$runas_user not in passwd file";;

  1. Become daemon
my $pid;
if( !defined($pid = fork()) ) {
die "cannot fork: $!";
} elsif ($pid) {
  1. Create lockfile, and finish parent process
open(PID, "> $lock_file") || die "ast-rad-acc.pl: Unable to create lockfile $lock_file\n";
print PID "$pid";
close PID;
chown $uid, $gid, $lock_file;
} else {
  1. daemon
select(STDERR); $| = 1;
select(STDOUT); $| = 1;
openlog('ast-rad-acc', 'cons,pid', 'daemon');
syslog('notice', "RADIUS accounting for Asterisk started");

  1. Install signall handler
$SIG{INT} = \&safe_exit;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&safe_exit;
$SIG{TERM} = \&safe_exit;
$SIG{HUP} = \&load_config;
$SIG{ALRM} = \&send_update if $update_timeout>0;
alarm 60 if $update_timeout>0;
  1. Drop privileges
$< = $uid;
$> = $uid;

my $astman = new Asterisk::Manager;

my $ast_connected = 1;
while( 1 ) {
if( $astman->connect ) {
$ast_connected = 1;
syslog('info', 'Connected to Asterisk!');
$astman->setcallback('DEFAULT', \&status_callback);
eval { $astman->eventloop; };
syslog('err',$@) if $@;
} else {
syslog('err', 'Could not connect to Asterisk!') if $ast_connected;
$ast_connected = 0;
sleep 1;

sub status_callback {
my (%event) = @_;

return unless defined(%event);
foreach (keys %event) {
syslog('debug', "$_: ". $event{$_} . "\n" );
syslog('debug', "\n");

if (defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}} && ! (ref($channels{$event{'Channel'}}) =~ /HASH.*/)){
syslog('info',"Channel $event{'Channel'} deleted, because no hash entry found ($channels{$event{'Channel'}}).");
delete $channels{$event{'Channel'}};
for ($event{'Event'}) {
  1. Variable read example
  2. print STDERR $astman->sendcommand( Action => 'Getvar', Channel => $event{'Channel'}, Variable => 'DNID' );
$event{'CallerID'} = $1 if defined $event{'CallerID'} && $event{'CallerID'} =~ /<(\d*)>/;
/newchannel/i && do {
my $call_origin = "originate";
$call_origin = "answer" if $event{'State'} =~ /

my $call_type = "VoIP";
$call_type = "Telephony" if $event{'Channel'} =~ /
  1. session-protocol
  2. other, cisco, h323, multicast, sipv2, sdp, frf11-trunk, cisco-switched, MarsAnalog, C1000Isdn, aal2-trunk
my $protocol = 'other';
$protocol = 'sipv2' if $event{'Channel'} =~ /
$protocol = 'h323' if $event{'Channel'} =~ /
$channels{$event{'Channel'}} = {
'CHANNEL' => $event{'Channel'},
'CALLERID' => $event{'CallerID'},
'UNIQUEID' => $event{'Uniqueid'},
'CALL_ORIGIN' => $call_origin,
'CALL_TYPE' => $call_type,
'CALL_PROTOCOL' => $protocol,
'CALL_ID' => $event{'Uniqueid'},
'NAS_IP_Address' => $nas_ip,
'RADIUS_Server' => $rad_serv,
'RADIUS_Acct_Port' => $rad_port,
'RADIUS_Secret' => $rad_sec
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CHANNEL'} = $1 if $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CHANNEL'} =~ /
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CALL_START'} = time() unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CALL_START'};

if ( (defined $event{'CallerID'})&&(!defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CALLERID'}) )
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'CALLERID'} = $event{'CallerID'};

link$/i && do {
return unless $channels{$event{'Channel1'}};
return unless $channels{$event{'Channel2'}};
if (ref($channels{$event{'Channel1'}}) =~ /HASH.*/){
$channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'} = $event{'Channel2'} unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'};
$channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'LINK_START'} = time() unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'LINK_START'};
$channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'CALL_ID'} = $event{'Uniqueid1'} unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'CALL_ID'};
}else {
syslog('debug',"Bad hash element ".$channels{$event{'Channel1'}});
if (ref($channels{$event{'Channel2'}}) =~ /HASH.*/){
$channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'} = $event{'Channel1'} unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'};;
$channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'LINK_START'} = time() unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'LINK_START'};
$channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'CALL_ID'} = $event{'Uniqueid1'} unless defined $channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'CALL_ID'};
}else {
syslog('debug',"Bad hash element ".$channels{$event{'Channel2'}});

unlink$/i && do {

return unless $channels{$event{'Channel1'}};
return unless $channels{$event{'Channel2'}};
if(ref($channels{$event{'Channel1'}}) =~ /HASH.*/){
$channels{$event{'Channel1'}}{'LINK_END'} = time();
} else {
syslog('debug',"Unlink: no hash entry for $event{'Channel1'}");

if(ref($channels{$event{'Channel2'}}) =~ /HASH.*/){
$channels{$event{'Channel2'}}{'LINK_END'} = time();
} else {
syslog('debug',"Unlink: no hash entry for $event{'Channel2'}");


/userevent/i && $event{'UserEvent'} =~ /_sip_auth/i && do {
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'User-Name'} = $event{'User-Name'} if defined $event{'User-Name'};
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DNID'} = $event{'DNID'} if defined $event{'DNID'};
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'Last_Update'} = time();
send_acc('Start', %{$channels{$event{'Channel'}}}) if defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DNID'};

/hangup/i && do {

if (defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'} &&
defined $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'Last_Update'} &&
(ref($channels{$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'}}) =~ /HASH.*/)){

if($channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'} ne $event{'Channel'}){

my $chname = $channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'};
my %tmpchan = %{$channels{$chname}};
delete $channels{$chname};
$channels{$event{'Channel'}}{'DSTCHANNEL'} = $channels{$chname}{'DSTCHANNEL'} if defined $channels{$chname}{'DSTCHANNEL'};
No value assigned{$channels{$event{'Channel'}}};
delete $channels{$event{'Channel'}};
No value assignedtmpchan;
undef %tmpchan;
undef $chname;


my $channel = $event{'Channel'};
return unless $channels{$channel};
return unless $channels{$channel}{'RADIUS_Server'};
$channels{$channel}{'CALL_END'} = time();
if (defined $channels{$channel}{'LINK_START'}){
$channels{$channel}{'LINK_END'} = time() unless defined $channels{$channel}{'LINK_END'};
$channels{$channel}{'LINK_START'} = 0;
$channels{$channel}{'LINK_END'} = 0;
$channels{$channel}{'CAUSE'} = 16;
$channels{$channel}{'CAUSE'} = $event{'Cause'} if defined $event{'Cause'};
send_acc('Stop', %{$channels{$channel}}) if defined $channels{$channel}{'Last_Update'};
delete $channels{$channel};

/rename/i && do {

if(defined $event{'Newname'} && defined $event{'Oldname'})
delete $channels{$event{'Newname'}} if defined $channels{$event{'Newname'}};
if (defined $channels{$event{'Oldname'}}){
%{$channels{$event{'Newname'}}} = %{$channels{$event{'Oldname'}}} if ref($channels{$event{'Oldname'}}) =~ /HASH.*/;
delete $channels{$event{'Oldname'}};

/shutdown/i && do {
die 'ast-rad-acc: Asterisk disconnect';

/Reload/i && do {

sub send_update {

my $curtime = time();
foreach (keys %channels) {
next unless (ref($channels{$_}) =~ /HASH.*/)&&(defined $channels{$_}{'Last_Update'});
if (($curtime-$channels{$_}{'Last_Update'})>=$update_timeout)
$channels{$_}{'Last_Update'} = $curtime;
alarm 5;

sub send_acc {
my ($acc_type,%cdr) = @_;
my $r = new Authen::Radius(Host => $cdr{'RADIUS_Server'}."\:".$cdr{'RADIUS_Acct_Port'}, Secret => $cdr{'RADIUS_Secret'});
  1. syslog('notice', $cdr{'RADIUS_Server'}."\:".$cdr{'RADIUS_Acct_Port'}." ".$cdr{'RADIUS_Secret'});
if( !defined $r ) {
syslog('crit', "RADIUS host '$cdr{'RADIUS_Server'}' ERROR");


my $confid = uc(md5_hex($cdr{'CHANNEL'}));
$confid =~ s/(\w{8})(\w{8})(\w{8})(\w{8})/$1 $2 $3 $4/;

if ($acc_type eq 'Start')
$r->add_attributes ({ Name => 'Acct-Status-Type', Value => 'Start' },
{ Name => 'h323-setup-time', Value => format_date($cdr{'CALL_START'}) },
{ Name => 'h323-call-type', Value => $cdr{'CALL_TYPE'} },
{ Name => 'h323-call-origin', Value => $cdr{'CALL_ORIGIN'} },
{ Name => 'h323-voice-quality', Value => '0' },
{ Name => 'Cisco-AVPair', Value => "session-protocol=$cdr{'CALL_PROTOCOL'}" },
{ Name => 'Cisco-AVPair', Value => "call-id=$cdr{'CALL_ID'}" },
{ Name => 'Acct-Session-Id', Value => $cdr{'CHANNEL'} }


$r->add_attributes ( { Name => 'h323-remote-address', Value => $cdr{'Remoteip'} } ) if defined $cdr{'Remoteip'};
$r->add_attributes ( { Name => 'h323-gw-id', Value => $cdr{'DSTCHANNEL'} } ) if defined $cdr{'DSTCHANNEL'};
syslog('err', "Start sent for $cdr{'CHANNEL'}.");
} else {
if ($acc_type eq 'Stop')
$r->add_attributes (
{ Name => 'Acct-Status-Type', Value => 'Stop' },
{ Name => 'h323-setup-time', Value => format_date($cdr{'CALL_START'}) },
{ Name => 'h323-connect-time', Value => format_date($cdr{'LINK_START'}) },
{ Name => 'h323-disconnect-time', Value => format_date($cdr{'LINK_END'}) },
{ Name => 'h323-disconnect-cause', Value => $cdr{'CAUSE'} },
{ Name => 'Acct-Session-Time', Value => $cdr{'LINK_END'} - $cdr{'LINK_START'} },
{ Name => 'Cisco-AVPair', Value => "session-protocol=$cdr{'CALL_PROTOCOL'}" },
{ Name => 'Cisco-AVPair', Value => "call-id=$cdr{'CALL_ID'}" },
{ Name => 'Acct-Session-Id', Value => $cdr{'CHANNEL'} }
$r->add_attributes ( { Name => 'h323-remote-address', Value => $cdr{'Remoteip'} } ) if defined $cdr{'Remoteip'};
$r->add_attributes ( { Name => 'h323-gw-id', Value => $cdr{'DSTCHANNEL'} } ) if defined $cdr{'DSTCHANNEL'};
syslog('err', "Stop sent for $cdr{'CHANNEL'}.");
} else {
if ($acc_type eq 'Update')
$r->add_attributes ({ Name => 'Acct-Status-Type', Value => 'Alive' });
$r->add_attributes ({ Name => 'Acct-Session-Id', Value => $cdr{'CHANNEL'} });

syslog('err', "Update sent for $cdr{'CHANNEL'}.");

} else {
syslog('err', "Bad ACC_STATUS_TYPE specified");

$r->add_attributes (
{ Name => 'NAS-IP-Address', Value => $cdr{'NAS_IP_Address'} },
{ Name => 'NAS-Port-Name', Value => $cdr{'CHANNEL'} },
{ Name => 'User-Name', Value => $cdr{'User-Name'} },
{ Name => 'Calling-Station-Id', Value => $cdr{'CALLERID'} },
{ Name => 'Called-Station-Id', Value => $cdr{'DNID'} },
{ Name => 'h323-conf-id', Value => $confid }


$r->send_packet (ACCOUNTING_REQUEST) and my $type = $r->recv_packet;
syslog('crit', "No responce from RADIUS server") if !defined $type;

  1. sample '09:16:05 GMT Sat Dec 11 2004'
sub format_date {
my ($date) = @_;
my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'POSIX');
my $str_date = strftime "%H:%M:%S.000 UTC %a %b %e %Y", gmtime($date);
setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale);
return $str_date;

  1. Signal Handlers
sub safe_exit {
my($sig) = @_;
syslog('crit', "Caught a SIG$sig - shutting down");

$astman->disconnect if $ast_connected;
unlink $lock_file or syslog('crit', "Unable to create lockfile $lock_file\n");

sub load_config {

my $glob = 0;
my $conf;
open($conf, "<$config_dir/extensions.conf") || die "Can't open config file: $!\n";
while (<$conf>)

next if ($_ =~ /

if ($_ =~ /

if (($glob)&&($_ =~ /

next if (!$glob);

$rad_serv = $1 if ($_ =~ /
$rad_sec = $1 if ($_ =~ /
$nas_ip = $1 if ($_ =~ /
$rad_port = $1 if ($_ =~ /
$update_timeout = $1 if ($_ =~ /^\s*Acct_Update_Timeout\s*=\s*(\d+)/);

if (!defined $rad_serv)
syslog('crit', "Can't find RADIUS_Server in extensions.conf");
die "Can't find RADIUS_Server in extensions.conf";

if (!defined $rad_sec)
syslog('crit', "Can't find RADIUS_Secret in extensions.conf");
die "Can't find RADIUS_Secret in extensions.conf";
if (!defined $nas_ip)
syslog('crit', "Can't find NAS_IP_Address in extensions.conf");
die "Can't find NAS_IP_Address in extensions.conf";

if (!defined $rad_port)
syslog('crit', "Can't find RAIUS_Acct_Port in extensions.conf");
die "Can't find RAIUS_Acct_Port in extensions.conf";
if ( !defined $update_timeout )
$update_timeout = 0;

syslog('notice', "extensions.conf loaded");
Создано ice_croft. Последнее изменение: вторник 06 / декабрь, 2011 13:40:10 MSK автор ice_croft.